The Oldest Catholic Hospital in Uganda is located in Lubaga Division – Kampala City, Kampala Archdiocese. Offers General and Specialised Medical and Surgical/Gynaecological services. The hospital acts as a regional referral of greater central region.
User fees account averagely for 83.3% of the total Hospital annual Income while the government subsidy is 1.4% of total annual income.
It has annual OPD attendance of 164,008 contacts – averagely 450 patients/day including week ends/holidays , 17,850 Admissions with a BoR of 62.5% and 6,832 annual maternal deliveries averagely with a C/S rate of 25.6%.
The hospital also offers Natural Family Planning Services with average annual New Clientele of 2,416 users. The hospital also runs a Nurses’& Midwifery Training School since 1956 offering Diploma courses in Nursing & Midwifery as well as Certificate Courses in Midwifery, Nursing, Theatre Assistants, Laboratory Assistants and Comprehensive Nurses – with an average annual aggregate intake of 165 students for various courses.